To have a Confidential Request for Investigation form sent to you, please contact the office at (717) 234-7911. If you have a printer, you may download the Confidential Request for Investigation form available under the “Filing a Complaint” tab on this website. Please complete the form, sign it, and then submit via U.S. Mail to:
Judicial Conduct Board
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 3500
P.O. Box 62525
Harrisburg, PA 17106-2525
If you require language assistance or if you are unable to complete and/or submit a complaint due to a physical disability, please contact the office at (717) 234-7911. Si necesita asistencia lingüística o se le imposibilita completar y/o presentar un reclamo debido a una discapacidad física, comuníquese con la oficina al (717) 234-7911.
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